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Defibtech Lifeline VIEW AED (AED 365 Pro Included - 5 Year)

Defibtech Lifeline VIEW AED (AED 365 Pro Included - 5 Year)



Defibtech Lifeline View/ECG AED: Comprehensive Details

Key Features & Benefits

High-Resolution Video Display: The first and only AED with a high-resolution color video display, providing clear, step-by-step instructions to assist both trained responders and lay rescuers.

ECG Waveform Display: Offers real-time ECG data, allowing trained responders to see detailed heart rhythm information.

Semi-Automatic Biphasic AED: Combines advanced features with ease of use, suitable for various rescuers.

Versatile Use: Durable and adaptable for all environments, including military combat and aircraft needs.

Detailed Instructions: The large video screen displays comprehensive instructions for CPR, rescue breathing, and AED operation.

Combined Coaching: Capable of delivering multiple coaching instructions simultaneously for efficient rescue guidance.

Pre-Connected Components: Comes with pre-connected adult pads and battery pack, featuring programmed expiration dates for replacement warnings.

Pediatric Capable: Suitable for pediatric use, offering hands-only CPR and rescue breathing with compressions.

What’s Included

AED365 AED Program Management: Pro - 5 year: Efficiently manage your AED program with this comprehensive service.

Defibtech Lifeline View/ECG AED: Backed by an 8-year warranty.

Long-Life Battery Pack: Includes a 4-year warranty.

Quick Start Reference Card and Operating Guide

Customer Documentation: Includes Event Review Software.

Premium AED/CPR Responder® Pack: Comes with one set of adult electrode pads.

AED Inspection Tag and “AED Equipped” Window/Wall Decal

Physician’s Prescription

Free Shipping

Physical Description & Characteristics

Smaller Footprint: Compact design with upgraded overall functionality for ease of use and transport.


The Defibtech Lifeline View/ECG AED is the next generation of AED devices, offering an innovative combination of a high-resolution color video screen and real-time ECG waveform display. This semi-automatic biphasic AED is designed for versatility and ease of use, making it ideal for both experienced and inexperienced rescuers. The detailed video instructions and combined coaching capabilities ensure that anyone can confidently perform CPR and rescue breathing.

With its durable design, the Defibtech Lifeline View/ECG AED is suitable for various environments, including military and aviation. Pre-connected components and programmed expiration warnings enhance readiness and maintenance, while pediatric capability extends its usability.

Explore the Defibtech Lifeline View/ECG AED at AED.US to enhance your emergency preparedness and provide effective response in critical situations.

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